
This helped me a bit today: via Completely Cauchy:

“Practice” doesn’t mean “learning for the first time.” It’s about honing skillz and is something one does even decades after initially learning; it’s all in the interest of good craftsmanship.”

Read the whole post and view her beautiful WIP (where can I order pre-cut letters, by the way?!!  I could never be as precise and neat as is required to make them myself!)


Deez Dayz

It’s been all Instagram this last little while, because it’s a better way for me to reach out re: what’s knitting.  The other stuff — the world, racism, politics, dogs, pups, inspiration (health, creative and otherwise) that I usually post here are still super important to me, but I just haven’t had the time I usually have had to post about that stuff.  It’s a’comin’!

Meanwhile, here’s what’s doing on the gram, and a lot of WIPs, UFOs, PTMs (plan to makes), and GSTGs (getting stuff togethers):

Finished Work:

Works Planned:

Purpose Work:

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Things Getting In The Way of Work:

What I’m Working For Right now:

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February 10, 2018 at Madtree Brewing.  At the very least, you’ll get a good beer!  See you soon and I’ll post more WIPs in the next week or so, because it’s going fast and furious at 634 Sycamore!


Hygge Is Happening

So, here we go!  Hygge in the City .. or in the Nati … or just a Hygge-inspired day in downtown Cincinnati is coming your way!

Hygge in the City

I expect lots of fun and coziness, and have some great teachers on deck for the event(s).  That (s) is why I need your help.  Trying to gauge interest so that I can secure the space (it’s a beautiful penthouse with a ping-pong table, if that matters!) and move forward.  What do you think about a day of tea, making (and tea-making), learning to knit, learning to macrame and building your own bullet-journal?  Let me know you’re interested (even if you’re not in the city) by clicking here!  Thank you x 1000, as always, friends!


Happy New Year!

It’s all hats and mittens and scarves right now, getting ready for 2018 fairs and shows.  These just came off the needles today:

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Only 9 more to go!  It’s a great way to start the new year, this.  Needles up, things being made, and progress being made toward the next thing for me and Make.Do.!  So happy to have you with me for the ride!  Stay tuned for some more news tomorrow re: Make.Do.’s first curated event!  It’s going to be hygge!!

Who Shows Up For You?

Yesterday seems like 2 weeks ago, but it was just yesterday.  It was the first non-online sales/branded opportunity for Make.Do., and I was hella’ nervous and hella’ excited.

I had hats:

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I had scarves:

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I had cowls:

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And, blankets, and mittens, and slippers and a whole bunch of other stuff that I’ll organize for a post later this week.  I’m super proud of the inventory I had on sale, and over the moon that I sold WAY MORE than I thought I would — I was looking for at least getting the booth cost back, but I got that and 9x more.  Plus, I met some great vendor neighbors and hope to connect for some more group sales with them in the future!  It was … it was just as it should have been.

Getting ready to start a new week, the thing I’m carrying with me is the gift of people in my life who showed up.  And, they didn’t have to.  You don’t have to come in when I need you, but if  you say you’re going to do it, you should.  And they did!  I’m looking at you, Lucrecia, because you are showing up and giving in a way I aspire to!  And, B-dubs — as work-husbands go, you were the worst, but that’s why I love you so much!  Being a mensch when it’s inconvenient, and getting it done because you know a friend needs you to?  That’s everything.

And, you guys who already know I love you and that this was an exciting thing for me … and you don’t tell me but show up anyway (online or IRL)?  That’s a kind of love that keeps me from chucking it all in. I was so happy to see you/hear from you!  I felt you sending all kinds of good vibes my way.

Tomorrow is a new day and the Make.Do. website gets a refresh while I work on figuring out the inventory that needs doing before EOY.  Stay tuned and check back in for the new news on products, classes and the Hygge classes coming in January.


Oh, My Damn!

I’ve been away for so long!  I just realized that most of my posting these days has been on Instagram and Facebook, trying to get ready for a Holiday Craft Fair. And trying to ignore the fact that I was among those culled from the herd in a round of layoffs at my real job. It sucks — right before the holidays, too!  Way to have a heart!  But, at least they gave us the top five things to post on our list of New Year’s resolutions!

So, I have been remiss and miss this platform for sharing more than a picture or a pithy caption!  I got my act together in between interviews and knitting today to put together a content calendar for this and other social media accounts.  The rest of December is going to be chock full of patterns and tips for the knitter, here, and patterns and fabric sourcing for the sewist at!

Here’s a little preview — still needs design and spell-check (thumb!!), but the idea is to put all the patterns in a one-page infographic format:

Make.Do. Presents ...

I’d love to know what you think!  Next up, a simple hat, then a striped cowl, followed by a KAL for a shawlette (still working through the pattern!)  Glad to be back!

Not So Good

That’s how things are right now.  Really.  I just Googled “How to stay positive in negative situations”, and got this gem.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t say a darned thing about having a giant glass of wine or a nap.

Make It Happen

“We need to think less sometimes and dream less and just make it happen.”

This is one of those weeks that requires stories like this to remind me what matters.  Happy Little Friday Eve!


Khristi Lauren Adams

Speaker * Author * Black Girlhood Advocate

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